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Interview with Romanian Social-Nationalist Movement

1. To begin with, I would like you to introduce Polish nationalists to your organisation and its history.

The Romanian Social-Nationalist Movement (the abbreviation in Romanian being MSNR) is first of all a third position group and an identitarian one. We believe in the importance of keeping our Romanian identity alive, just as much as we believe in fighting the poisonous ideas of communism and capitalism that have attacked our national Identity for so long, that profit from our many hardships and that oppress us, each of them in a different manner. We want to build strong local communities in which our people can find support and help in one another, communities where we can fight to keep our culture, our beliefs and our traditions alive and where the youth can fight for its future in its own country.

The history of our group is a story of determination and hard work, and it all started in the summer/autumn of 2022. Before MSNR existed i was part of another nationalist group. I was content with how things were going, since i didn’t agree with the direction we were taking. My concerns proved to be legitimate, as the group eventually disbanded. I knew i couldn’t abandon the fight, so instead of quitting after this event, i chose to start my own project, one in accordance to my vision. Because all of my old contacts were gone, i had to start alone and from scratch. After doing activism and administration on my own, i started to attract other people, good people, that helped to bring the movement to the next level. Today, our numbers might not be huge, but our presence is felt in many Romanian cities and strong bonds have already started to form between our members.

2. What does your logo symbolise?

Our logo is a testament to the origin of the Romanian people and to the views of this group. The shield symbolises our will to defend our people and our land. The Dacian Draco along with the two Roman spears from behind it symbolise the story of how our people came to be, the result of the ethnic and cultural mix of Dacians and Romans. 
Now, each color also has a meaning of its own. Green is a very important color in Romanian nationalism, its origin being in the inter-war period, but it also has the role to represent nature, as our people always had a strong bond with it. White represents purity and light, as well as the hope for a better tomorrow. Black symbolises the discipline and seriousity that every single one of our members should posses.

3. What ideas do you represent? In which areas do you carry out your actions and which topics do you focus on the most and why?

Our Ideology can be described with the following terms: Romanian Nationalism, European Unity, Anti-Communism, Anti-Capitalism, Third Positionism and Christian values. We are active in both Romania and the Republic of Moldova. Regarding our activism, we’ve put several stickers and posters, we’ve spread leaflets, we’ve removed leftist graffiti, we made a mural and  we’ve participated at demonstrations and commemorations, and we have other actions planned too.

Our main focus is to protect our identity and to remind our people that we are part of a greater community. We focus on this because territorial gains mean nothing if our identity isn’t alive, social justice means nothing if we are a minority in our own country and also because isolationism hasn’t brought us anything good.

4. Your country has the cheapest real estate in the European Union, yet Romania has a negative demographic indicator. What are the problems preventing young people from starting a family?

The youth had lost its identity. Sexual degeneration, capitalist ideas and an European-wide anti-natalist propaganda made the new generatin to ignore the need of keeping our people alive, as they have other goals in life, in accordance to the decadent modern world. The few ones that would still want to start their own family are discouraged by the low income that is present in many sectors of our economy. A incompetent political class, along with the rejection of the old values that made us strong, brought us to this situation.

5. There has been a large influx of refugees from Ukraine into your country. What is your approach to this and the situation beyond your northern border?

Even though we have our own tensions with Ukraine, we can’t deny white refugees and we can’t show any support for the constant Russian aggression that has plagued Eastern Europe and the Caucasus since the 90’s.

We can’t blame the people of Ukraine for the actions of corrupt and ungrateful politicians, and by no means should we blame the nationalists that fight to protect Europe against the neo-Bolshevik threat. While we don’t have an official position in the war, our history with Russia, as well as more recent events and the current anti-white leadership of the country, forbids any true nationalist from supporting them. Going back to the refugee problem, we have no desire to accept the non-white refugees that might come, nor any single fighting-age males, as their place is to defend their country or at least any living relatives, not to run to the safety of other countries.

6. In Poland, the Romanian nationalist movement is mainly associated with the figure of Codreanu.
Is his legacy still alive and cultivated by today’s nationalists?

Unfortunately, due to legal reasons, i can’t give the answer i would have liked to offer. But i can say that everyone in the Romanian scene is doing his best to keep his memory alive and to bring the truth to light. His influence can still be felt today, and it shouldn’t be overlooked. It is our duty to demand an end to the unjust laws that target him.

7. How do you assess the situation in your country today?

The situation in our country is not good, and there is no reason to lie to ourselves that things aren’t bad. Just like in every European country, the youth from the major cities is slowly corrupted by the ideas of globalism, hordes of invaders from third world countries are starting to arrive in our cities and our sovereignty is slowly being taken away by the EU and the USA. More specific problems for our country and region is the severe corruption of the political class, communist nostalgia and the constant threat coming from Russia. While things might seem bleak, we, the Romanian nationalists, still have the power to bring a change. We aren’t as corrupted as other nations from the West, but if we don’t wake up soon, then we’ll end up in the same situation as them, or even worse, since we have our own problems too.

8. Do you cooperate with other Romanian national organisations? Do you also maintain contacts abroad?

As we are a relatively new group, we don’t have any official relations in Romania yet, but we are willing to work with any true nationalist group for the good of our people. Only recently we have participated at an event held by many organizations and associations, most notably, Camarazii and Honor et Patria, which we respect a lot and with which we desire even closer relations.

Regarding our foreign contacts, we are in advanced talks with two other groups from the Balkan Region, and very soon we might establish formal relations. I can’t say which groups as nothing is official yet, but as stated before, everything will be announced once the talks are over and a success.

9. How do you see Romania’s place in the region and Europe in general?

Romania should be an independent and sovereign country that works closely with the European community as equals. We don’t want to dominate others and we don’t want to be dominated by others. All European countries should coexist as equals and in warm relations and close cooperation.

10. The Romanian nation, as a result of various historical turmoils, has been divided and today functions in two states, Romania and Moldova. What is your opinion on the Moldovan state, what should be done with it, is it possible to integrate it into Romania?

A union between Romania and Moldova is very probable and also very desired. But also there are some problems left behind by the rotten Soviet Union, whose legacy is still haunting us to this day, either if we speak about those problems or about the Russian aggression in Ukraine. That being said, the main issue is that many people in Moldova consider that Romanians and Moldavians are not the same people. This concept was a pretty common propaganda used in the Soviet era. Most of those people tend to be rusophiles and supportive of the communist parties in the country, which strongly oppose the idea of a union. There is also the problem of the Russian separatist state of Transnistria, which is another painful reminder of both the soviet era and the Russian aggression from the 90’s.

11. What is your attitude to the rather large Hungarian minority known as Szeklers?

All European people who live in Romania deserve to be treated equally and with respect. However, we aim to keep our territorial integrity and we can’t condone any form of chauvinism or separatism, as we don’t think that this is the way forward for Europe. The aim of both communities should be to mend the wounds of the past and reach a better understanding for a better tomorrow.

We want peaceful coexistence and warm relations, but the good will has to come from both sides. As long as they respect our country and we respect their rights, there should be no more tensions between us, but unfortunately it still isn’t enough. That’s why we should push even more for the concept of unity and brotherhood between the people of Europe.

12. According to the tradition of our portal, the last words belong to the interviewee. What message would you like to leave with the Poles?

I would like to say that your fight is not in vain. The Polish are a proud people who will prevail. We respect you and we believe in the brotherhood of our people. Never abandon the fight for your country and never abandon your beautiful culture and traditions. Stay strong, stay pure, stay Polish, stay European! Tomorrow belongs to us!

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